Use the ratio 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram how many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms

To convert kilograms to grams using the given ratio, we multiply the number of kilograms by 1,000.

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/kilogram = 2,750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To find out the number of grams that are equal to 2.75 kilograms, we can use the given ratio:

1,000 grams = 1 kilogram

First, we need to convert the given kilograms to grams. To do this, we multiply 2.75 kilograms by 1,000 grams/kilogram:

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/kilogram = 2,750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To determine how many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms using the given ratio of 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram, we can set up a proportion:

1 kilogram = 1000 grams

We can rewrite this with a ratio:

1 kilogram / 1000 grams = 1

Now, we can set up the proportion using the given information:

2.75 kilograms / x grams = 1 kilogram / 1000 grams

To solve for x (the number of grams), we can cross-multiply:

2.75 kilograms × 1000 grams = 1 kilogram × x grams

2750 grams = x grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2750 grams.