A whale swims 200miles in 5 days identyfly which equation could be used to find how many miles it swims in 16 days

Let's represent the number of miles the whale swims in 16 days as "x."

We can set up a proportion to find the value of "x" by comparing the number of miles the whale swims in 5 days to the number of miles it swims in 16 days.

5 days --> 200 miles
16 days --> x miles

The equation is:
5/200 = 16/x

To find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's label the distance the whale swims in 16 days as "x" miles. We can set up the proportion:

5 days / 200 miles = 16 days / x miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

5 * x = 16 * 200

x = (16 * 200) / 5

x = 64 * 40

x = 2560

Therefore, the equation that could be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is:

x = 2560

The whale swims 2560 miles in 16 days.

To find the equation that could be used to determine how many miles a whale swims in 16 days based on its speed of 200 miles in 5 days, we can use the concept of rate.

The rate at which the whale is swimming can be calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Rate = Distance / Time

In this case, the distance traveled by the whale is 200 miles, and the time taken is 5 days. Therefore, the rate of the whale's swimming is:

Rate = 200 miles / 5 days
Rate = 40 miles/day

Now that we have determined the rate of the whale's swimming, we can use it to find the distance it will cover in 16 days. Let's call the distance covered in 16 days "x."

Rate = Distance / Time
40 miles/day = x miles / 16 days

To find the value of x, we can cross multiply:

40 miles/day * 16 days = x miles
640 miles = x

So, the equation that could be used to find the number of miles the whale swims in 16 days is:
x = 640 miles