A whale swims 200 miles in 5 days. Identify which equation could be used to find how many miles it swims in 16 days.(1 point)







The equation that could be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is y = 200 × 16 ÷ 5.

The equation that could be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is y=200×16÷5.

To understand why this equation is correct, let's break it down:

We know that the whale swims 200 miles in 5 days. This means that its swimming rate can be calculated by dividing the total distance swam (200 miles) by the number of days it took (5 days).

So, the whale's swimming rate is 200 miles ÷ 5 days = 40 miles per day.

To find out how many miles the whale swims in 16 days, we can multiply its daily rate (40 miles) by the number of days (16 days).

Therefore, the equation becomes y = 40 × 16 = 640 miles.

Hence, the correct equation is y = 40 × 16.