A whale swims 200 miles in 5 days. Identify which equation could be used to find how many miles it swims in 16 days.

To find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

Let's represent the distance the whale swims in 16 days as "x" miles.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

200 miles / 5 days = x miles / 16 days

Using cross-multiplication:

5 * x = 200 * 16

Simplifying the equation:

5x = 3200

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 3200 / 5

Therefore, the equation that could be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days is:

x = 3200 / 5

x = 640

Hence, the whale swims 640 miles in 16 days.

To find out how many miles the whale swims in 16 days, you can use the equation of proportionality.

The equation of proportionality states that the ratio between the distances covered and the time taken is constant.

Let's represent the distance covered by the whale in 5 days as d1 and the distance covered by the whale in 16 days as d2.

According to the given information, the ratio of the distance covered in 5 days to the distance covered in 16 days is constant.

So, we can set up the following proportion:

d1/5 = d2/16

This equation can be used to find how many miles the whale swims in 16 days.

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion to find the missing value. The proportion can be set up as follows:

(original distance) / (original time) = (new distance) / (new time)

Let's use "x" as the new distance, and the original distance is given as 200 miles.

200 miles / 5 days = x miles / 16 days

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

(200 miles) * (16 days) = (5 days) * x

3200 miles = 5x

Now, we can isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 5:

3200 miles / 5 = x

x = 640 miles

Therefore, the whale would swim 640 miles in 16 days.