Which of the following is a stated purpose of the United States government under the Constitution? Select all that apply.

acquire new territories
acquire new territories

promote the general welfare
promote the general welfare

represent all citizens equally
represent all citizens equally

generate wealth for businesses
generate wealth for businesses

provide for the common defense

promote the general welfare

represent all citizens equally
provide for the common defense

The stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution include:

- Promote the general welfare
- Represent all citizens equally
- Provide for the common defense

To determine which of the following options are stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution, we need to refer to the Constitution itself. The stated purposes can be found in the Preamble of the Constitution.

The Preamble of the United States Constitution states the following purposes:

1. "Form a more perfect Union"
2. "Establish Justice"
3. "Insure domestic Tranquility"
4. "Provide for the common defense"
5. "Promote the general Welfare"
6. "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"

From the given options, the stated purposes of the United States government under the Constitution are:

- Promote the general welfare
- Provide for the common defense

So, out of the provided options, only "promote the general welfare" and "provide for the common defense" are correct purposes of the United States government under the Constitution.