As stated in the preamble to the Constitution, which of the following refers to the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all the states? (1 point)

• secure liberty
• general welfare
• domestic tranquility
establish justice

None of the above options specifically refer to the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all the states. The correct answer would be "general welfare," as it encompasses the overall well-being and interests of all states and their citizens. However, it is important to note that the preamble does not explicitly mention taking care of the concerns of all the states, but rather establishes the broader goals and principles of the Constitution.

The phrase in the preamble of the Constitution that refers to the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all the states is "to form a more perfect Union."

The correct answer is "establish justice."

To find the answer, we can look at the preamble to the Constitution, which is the introductory statement that outlines the purposes and goals of the Constitution. The preamble begins with the phrase "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..." and lists the following goals:

1. "establish justice"
2. "insure domestic tranquility"
3. "provide for the common defense"
4. "promote the general welfare"
5. "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity"

Based on the options given, "establish justice" is the answer that refers to the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all the states. It emphasizes the importance of fairness, equality, and the rule of law in the United States.