Joelle ordered 12 dozen doughnuts for the honor roll breakfast at the middle school.

• 38
of the doughnuts have chocolate icing.

• 14
of the doughnuts have white icing with sprinkles.

• 16
of the doughnuts have pink icing.
• The rest are plain glazed doughnuts.

How many doughnuts are plain glazed doughnuts?
A 114114
B 7676
C 5454
D 3030
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To find the number of plain glazed doughnuts, we need to subtract the number of doughnuts with chocolate icing, white icing with sprinkles, and pink icing from the total number of doughnuts.

Total number of doughnuts = 12 dozen = 12 * 12 = 144 doughnuts

Number of doughnuts with chocolate icing = 38
Number of doughnuts with white icing with sprinkles = 14
Number of doughnuts with pink icing = 16

Number of plain glazed doughnuts = 144 - (38 + 14 + 16) = 144 - 68 = 76

Therefore, the answer is 76, which corresponds to option B.

To find out how many doughnuts are plain glazed, we need to subtract the number of doughnuts with other types of icing from the total number of doughnuts.

The total number of doughnuts is 12 dozen, which is equal to 12 x 12 = 144 doughnuts.

The number of doughnuts with chocolate icing is 38.
The number of doughnuts with white icing and sprinkles is 14.
The number of doughnuts with pink icing is 16.

So, the total number of doughnuts with other types of icing is 38 + 14 + 16 = 68.

To find the number of plain glazed doughnuts, we subtract 68 from the total number of doughnuts: 144 - 68 = 76.

Therefore, the answer is B) 76 plain glazed doughnuts.

To find the number of plain glazed doughnuts, we can subtract the number of doughnuts with chocolate icing, white icing with sprinkles, and pink icing from the total number of doughnuts.

- Joelle ordered 12 dozen doughnuts.
- There are 38 doughnuts with chocolate icing.
- There are 14 doughnuts with white icing and sprinkles.
- There are 16 doughnuts with pink icing.

Since a dozen is equal to 12, we know that Joelle ordered 12 x 12 = 144 doughnuts.

Now, let's find the total number of doughnuts with different types of icing.

Total number of doughnuts with different types of icing:
= Number of doughnuts with chocolate icing + Number of doughnuts with white icing and sprinkles + Number of doughnuts with pink icing
= 38 + 14 + 16
= 68

To find the number of plain glazed doughnuts, subtract the total number of doughnuts with different types of icing from the total number of doughnuts:
Number of plain glazed doughnuts = Total number of doughnuts - Total number of doughnuts with different types of icing
= 144 - 68
= 76

Therefore, the number of plain glazed doughnuts is 76.

So, the answer is B) 76.