Which option is an example of a story told in chronlological order?(1 point)

Jackson woke up, had breakfast, and took the bus to school.

Jackson had breakfast, woke up, and took the bus to school.

Jackson took the bus to school, woke up, and had breakfast.

Jackson had breakfast, took the bus to school, and woke up.

Don't you have to wake up first before you do anything else?

This is the answer: Jackson woke up, had breakfast, and took the bus to school.

Hope this helped ...
OK bye nowww!!!

The correct option is:

Jackson woke up, had breakfast, and took the bus to school.

To determine which option is an example of a story told in chronological order, we need to understand the concept of chronological order. Chronological order means that events are presented in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest event and progressing sequentially.

Let's analyze the options:

1. Jackson woke up, had breakfast, and took the bus to school.
2. Jackson had breakfast, woke up, and took the bus to school.
3. Jackson took the bus to school, woke up, and had breakfast.
4. Jackson had breakfast, took the bus to school, and woke up.

In option 1, Jackson woke up first, had breakfast, and then took the bus to school. This follows chronological order.

In option 2, the order is not correct as it states that Jackson had breakfast before waking up.

In option 3, the order is also not correct as it states that Jackson took the bus to school before waking up.

In option 4, the order is not correct as it states that Jackson had breakfast before taking the bus to school.

Therefore, the correct option is option 1: "Jackson woke up, had breakfast, and took the bus to school."