Which of these is an example of a non-monetary incentive?

earning payment for walking a neighbor's dog

being named on the school honor roll

getting $10.00 as a prize for finishing first

winning a scholarship to attend a summer camp

Which one does NOT involve money?

C. Getting $10.00 as a prize for finishing first.

Because money is involved, it is a monetary incentive.

On the other hand, being named on the school honor roll (B) is a non-monetary incentive. It doesn't involve any financial reward, but it recognizes and acknowledges academic achievement. Just remember, no amount of money can buy the satisfaction of seeing your name on that honor roll!

The example of a non-monetary incentive is B. being named on the school honor roll.

A non-monetary incentive is a reward or benefit that is not in the form of money or financial compensation. It is a motivating factor that encourages individuals to achieve certain goals or perform specific actions.

Out of the given options, the example of a non-monetary incentive is:

B. being named on the school honor roll

Because being named on the school honor roll does not involve receiving any money as a reward. Instead, it is a recognition of academic achievement, which can provide a sense of pride, status, and personal accomplishment.