Which of these is a non-monetary positive incentive for entrepreneurs?

the need to hire and train workers

the risks of starting a new enterprise

the satisfaction of creating new products

the responsibilities of running a business

C. The satisfaction of creating new products is a non-monetary positive incentive for entrepreneurs.

The non-monetary positive incentive for entrepreneurs is the satisfaction of creating new products.

The non-monetary positive incentive for entrepreneurs among the given options is:

C. The satisfaction of creating new products.

To identify this answer, we need to understand what a non-monetary positive incentive is. A non-monetary incentive is a reward or motivation that does not involve money or financial gain. It can be something intangible that provides psychological or emotional benefits to the individual.

Here's how we can eliminate the other options:

A. The need to hire and train workers: While hiring and training workers may be a necessary aspect of running a business, it is not a direct positive incentive for entrepreneurs. It is more of a practical requirement that comes with managing a business.

B. The risks of starting a new enterprise: Risk can be both positive and negative. While some entrepreneurs may find the element of risk exciting or challenging, it is not solely a positive incentive as it involves uncertainties and potential losses.

D. The responsibilities of running a business: Similar to option A, this is not a direct positive incentive. Responsibilities and obligations come with the territory of being an entrepreneur, but they are not motivating factors on their own.

Therefore, the answer is C. The satisfaction of creating new products. Entrepreneurs often derive a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment from bringing their ideas to life, developing innovative products, and contributing to the market. This intrinsic motivation can be a powerful driving force for entrepreneurs, even without monetary rewards.