Why is it important to recognize hunger versus appetite? (1 point) Responses

If you eat too many calories you will lose too much weight.
You should only eat as many calories as your body needs.
Hunger makes you eat based on emotions not nutrition.
Your appetite tells you when your body needs nutrients.

You should only eat as many calories as your body needs.

The correct response is: You should only eat as many calories as your body needs.

It is important to recognize hunger versus appetite because eating when you are hungry helps ensure that you are giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. Your body sends signals of hunger when it needs energy and nutrients. On the other hand, appetite is a desire to eat that can be influenced by emotions, environmental cues, or cultural factors. Understanding the difference between hunger and appetite allows you to make more mindful and informed choices about what and when to eat. By listening to your body's hunger signals instead of solely relying on appetite, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthier balance of calories.

The correct response is: Your appetite tells you when your body needs nutrients.

Explanation: Recognizing the difference between hunger and appetite is important because they serve different purposes. Hunger is a physiological sensation that signals the need for nourishment. It is usually driven by a drop in blood sugar levels or the emptiness of the stomach. On the other hand, appetite refers to the desire to eat food, which can be influenced by various factors such as emotions, social situations, or external cues (like the sight or smell of food).

Understanding this difference is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. If you eat too many calories, you may gain weight, as excess energy is stored as fat in the body. On the contrary, if you consistently eat fewer calories than your body needs, you may experience weight loss.

To properly nourish your body, it is recommended to only eat as many calories as your body needs, which can be determined by factors like age, gender, weight, activity level, and overall health. By recognizing hunger signals and responding to them with nutritious food, you can meet your body's needs and maintain a healthy lifestyle.