JMpho is interested in remote job opportunities in accounting. Besides “remote accounting jobs”, which related search term could she include in her search for a wider range of work options?

Accounting internships.

Telecommuting accounting vacancies

Virtual reality development opportunities.

Local accounting positions.

Telecommuting accounting positions.

Telecommuting accounting vacancies

To find a wider range of remote job options in accounting, JMpho can include the following related search term in her search:

1. Telecommuting accounting vacancies: This search term specifically focuses on accounting roles that allow employees to work remotely from their own location. It can help JMpho discover more remote job opportunities in the accounting field.

It is worth mentioning that including the term "remote accounting jobs" in the search query is also a good starting point. Additionally, she may consider using other relevant terms based on specific preferences, such as "work-from-home accounting jobs," "virtual accounting positions," or "online accounting opportunities."

Including any of these search terms will help JMpho expand her search and explore a wider range of work options in remote accounting roles.