Read the excerpt from Homecoming.

"Listen, I’m going to go to a phone and see where the bus station is and call them up to find out how much tickets cost. You lay low.”


Dicey decided to tell him the truth. "Just in case. I mean, three kids in a car in a parking lot at night . . . See, James, I think we’ve got to get to Bridgeport and I just don’t know what would happen if a policeman saw us. Foster homes or something, I dunno. I don’t want to risk it. But one kid . . . and I’m pretty old so it doesn’t look funny.”

Based on the dialogue in this excerpt, which best describes Dicey?

She is smart and resourceful.
She is scared and confused.
She is uncertain and unaware.
She is happy and comfortable.

The best description for Dicey based on the dialogue in this excerpt is that she is smart and resourceful.

Based on the dialogue in this excerpt, the best description of Dicey is that she is smart and resourceful. She is considering the potential risks and consequences of their situation and coming up with a plan to mitigate them by going to a phone to find out information and laying low to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Based on the dialogue in this excerpt, the best description of Dicey is that she is smart and resourceful. She demonstrates this by taking initiative to find a phone to locate the bus station and inquire about ticket prices. She also shows her awareness of the potential risks they face as three kids traveling alone, which is why she suggests that James stay low and only one kid, herself, approaches the situation. This shows that Dicey is thinking ahead and strategizing to minimize the chances of getting caught and potentially being taken to foster homes. So, overall, Dicey's actions and reasoning portray her as smart and resourceful.