When would you hear or read formal language? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


when the president gives a speech to the nation

when a group of good friends goes to the beach

when you listen to your best friend on the phone

when a college sends a letter of acceptance

when you hear the lyrics of your favorite song

when the president gives a speech to the nation

when a college sends a letter of acceptance

if you know what formal means its pretty easy, its just something more serious, more buisness less hangout sorta

hey sorry its a little late but what i mean by saying both of those is that in the question it says "Select the two correct answers."

when you read a book report

that is not one of the choices

do you mean that not two choices and it is not one of the choices to please someone answer the question


The correct answers are:

1. When the president gives a speech to the nation - In formal settings, such as when addressing the nation, the president would use formal language.
2. When a college sends a letter of acceptance - Official correspondences from educational institutions often use formal language to maintain professionalism and convey important information.

To determine the correct answers, you should consider the context in which formal language is typically used. Formal language is often employed in official or professional settings, such as speeches, letters, or formal documents. In contrast, informal language is more commonly used among friends or in casual conversations, such as when going to the beach or talking on the phone with a best friend.