Click on the play button below to listen to an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty.

What dynamic concept is used in the performance excerpt?
A. decresendo
B. crescendo
C. slur

To determine the dynamic concept used in the performance excerpt from Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty, you need to listen to the audio clip. Look for changes in volume or intensity throughout the excerpt.

Click on the play button below and listen attentively to the audio excerpt.

After listening to the audio excerpt, pay attention to any changes in volume or intensity. Does the music gradually become softer and quieter (decrescendo) or does it gradually become louder and more intense (crescendo)? If you do not hear any changes in volume or intensity, then the answer would be none of the above.

Once you have made your observation, you will be able to determine which dynamic concept is used in the performance excerpt.