In The Call of the Wild, what exploit did Buck accomplish that made John Thornton jubilant?

(1 point)

Buck attacked "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton.
Buck attacked "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton.

Buck won a bet for John Thornton.
Buck won a bet for John Thornton.

Buck was willing to jump off a cliff for John Thornton.

Buck attacked "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton.

In The Call of the Wild, Buck accomplished the exploit of attacking "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton. This action made John Thornton jubilant.

To find the answer to this question, you need to read or have knowledge of the book "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London. In the story, there are several notable exploits that the dog Buck accomplishes throughout his journey. To determine which exploit made John Thornton jubilant, you should refer to the specific events and actions that took place in the book.