In the call of the wild what exploit did Buck accomplish that made John Thornton jubilant?

Buck attacked “Black” Burton for punching John Thornton

Buck won a bet for John Thornton

Buck was willing to jump off of a cliff for John Thornton

Buck attacked “Black” Burton for punching John Thornton

The exploit that made John Thornton jubilant in "The Call of the Wild" was that Buck attacked "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton.

The exploit that made John Thornton jubilant in "The Call of the Wild" was that Buck attacked "Black" Burton for punching John Thornton.

In the call of the wild before buck attempted to break out the frozen 1000 pound sled load, John Thornton whispered to him “As you love me” why did this seem like a conjuration to the crowd

The crowd thought John Thornton was cheating

The crowd thought it was a silly display of affection

The crowd thought it seemed like magic

The crowd thought it seemed like magic

What does peremptory mean?




Peremptory means commanding or dictatorial, giving no opportunity for debate or refusal.

Which of the following is important in creating a character in literature? Choose all that apply.

Social context

Physical traits

Season of the year

The important aspects in creating a character in literature are social context and physical traits. Season of the year is not typically a crucial factor in character development unless it directly contributes to the plot or theme.

In the call of the wild buck tracked one, particularly large quarry for days in the wilderness. What was it?

A wild wolf

I wounded elk

A wounded moose