What is 671,000,000 in scientific notation

671,000,000 in scientific notation is 6.71 x 10^8.

To represent 671,000,000 in scientific notation, we need to write it in the form of A x 10^B where A is a number between 1 and 10, and B is an integer.

First, let's express 671,000,000 using the decimal point:

671,000,000 = 671.0

The decimal point is after the last zero since we moved it eight places to the left.

Now we can convert it to scientific notation:

671.0 x 10^8

So, 671,000,000 in scientific notation is 671.0 x 10^8.

To express a number in scientific notation, you need to write it as a product of a decimal number (greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10) and a power of 10.

For the number 671,000,000, we start by moving the decimal point to the left until there is only one digit on the left side. In this case, we can move it 8 places to the left, resulting in 6.71.

Next, we count the number of places the decimal point has been moved. In this case, it has been moved 8 places to the left, so the exponent is -8.

Finally, we write the number in scientific notation as 6.71 × 10^(-8).