use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has at least the value 98,789,000,987,890,000; or 89,987,000. Write your answer in scientific notation expressed to the exact decimal place

To determine which number has at least the value 98,789,000,987,890,000 or 89,987,000, we will convert both numbers to scientific notation.

Number 1: 98,789,000,987,890,000
In scientific notation, this number can be written as 9.8789 x 10^16 (16 decimal places).

Number 2: 89,987,000
In scientific notation, this number can be written as 8.9987 x 10^7 (7 decimal places).

Comparing the two numbers, we can see that 9.8789 x 10^16 (16 decimal places) is greater than 8.9987 x 10^7 (7 decimal places).

Therefore, the number 98,789,000,987,890,000 (in scientific notation 9.8789 x 10^16) has at least the value of 98,789,000,987,890,000 and is greater than 89,987,000 (in scientific notation 8.9987 x 10^7).

To determine which number is at least equal to 98,789,000,987,890,000 and 89,987,000, we need to convert these numbers to scientific notation.

Let's start with 98,789,000,987,890,000:

98,789,000,987,890,000 in scientific notation is: 9.8789 x 10^16

Next, let's convert 89,987,000 to scientific notation:

89,987,000 in scientific notation is: 8.9987 x 10^7

Comparing the two numbers in scientific notation, we can see that:

9.8789 x 10^16 > 8.9987 x 10^7

So, the number 98,789,000,987,890,000 is greater than 89,987,000.

To compare the numbers using scientific notation, we need to express them in the standard form of scientific notation. This form is written as a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

Let's start by expressing the number 98,789,000,987,890,000 in scientific notation:

1. Count the number of digits in the original number. In this case, there are 18 digits.
2. Move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we will move the decimal point 17 places to the left: 9.878900098789 × 10^17.

Next, let's express the number 89,987,000 in scientific notation:

1. Count the number of digits in the original number. In this case, there are 8 digits.
2. Move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we will move the decimal point 7 places to the left: 8.9987 × 10^7.

Now, we can compare the two numbers:

9.878900098789 × 10^17 > 8.9987 × 10^7

Since the exponent of the first number is much larger, it means that the value of 98,789,000,987,890,000 is greater than 89,987,000 when expressed in scientific notation.

Therefore, the number 98,789,000,987,890,000 has at least the value of 89,987,000 when expressed in scientific notation.