use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 98,789,000; 987,890,000; or 89,987,000. write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place

To determine which number has the least value using scientific notation, we need to convert all the numbers to scientific notation and compare their values.

98,789,000 = 9.8789 × 10^7
987,890,000 = 9.8789 × 10^8
89,987,000 = 8.9987 × 10^7

Comparing the exponents:
10^7 < 10^8 < 10^7

Therefore, the number with the least value is 98,789,000, expressed in scientific notation as 9.8789 × 10^7.

To determine which of the numbers has the least value, we can convert each number into scientific notation and then compare their exponents.

1. 98,789,000 = 9.8789 × 10^7
2. 987,890,000 = 9.8789 × 10^8
3. 89,987,000 = 8.9987 × 10^7

Comparing the exponents, we can see that 9.8789 × 10^7 (98,789,000) has the smallest exponent. Therefore, 98,789,000 has the least value when expressed in scientific notation.

To determine which of the given numbers has the least value using scientific notation, you need to convert each number into scientific notation and compare their decimal values.

1. 98,789,000: To express this number in scientific notation, we move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left. The original number becomes 9.8789000 × 10^7.

2. 987,890,000: Similar to the previous number, we move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left, resulting in 9.87890000 × 10^8.

3. 89,987,000: Again, we move the decimal point to the right until there is one non-zero digit to the left. Hence, the number becomes 8.9987000 × 10^7.

Comparing the decimal values:

- 9.8789000 × 10^7
- 9.87890000 × 10^8
- 8.9987000 × 10^7

Looking at the decimal values, we can determine that 9.8789000 × 10^7 has the smallest value since its decimal value is smaller than the other two numbers.