Which of the following explains urban hierarchy? (1 point)


O a way of ordering cities with the largest populations

O a way to measure the longevity of a city

O a way of ordering cities to their surrounding market

a way to rank the greatest ancient cities

O a way of ordering cities to their surrounding market

The correct answer is: a way of ordering cities to their surrounding market.

To determine which of the given options explains urban hierarchy, we need to understand the concept of urban hierarchy and evaluate each option accordingly.

Urban hierarchy refers to the organization and ranking of cities according to their size, function, and influence. It helps us understand the relationships and hierarchy between different cities within a region or country. Now let's evaluate each option:

Option 1: "A way of ordering cities with the largest populations"
This option accurately describes urban hierarchy. In urban hierarchy, cities are often ordered based on their population size, with the largest cities occupying the highest positions in the hierarchy. This option explains the concept well.

Option 2: "A way to measure the longevity of a city"
While the longevity of a city may be an interesting factor to consider, it is not the primary focus of urban hierarchy. Urban hierarchy focuses more on factors like size, function, and influence, rather than the age or longevity of a city. Therefore, this option does not explain urban hierarchy.

Option 3: "A way of ordering cities to their surrounding market"
This option also accurately describes urban hierarchy. Cities are often categorized and ranked based on their relationship to surrounding markets. Some cities may act as regional or central markets, serving as a hub for trade and commerce, while others may be more dependent on these central markets. Thus, this option explains a key aspect of urban hierarchy.

Option 4: "A way to rank the greatest ancient cities"
While ranking the greatest ancient cities may be an interesting study, it is not directly related to the concept of urban hierarchy. Urban hierarchy typically focuses on contemporary cities and their hierarchies based on factors such as population size and economic influence. Therefore, this option does not explain urban hierarchy.

Given the explanations, options 1 and 3 both accurately explain urban hierarchy.