Which of the following develops a logical argument about how judicial restraint supports the Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision?(1 point) Responses Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the decision challenged the legislative intent of the equal protections clause. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the decision challenged the legislative intent of the equal protections clause. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the decision invalidated the separate but equal doctrine. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the decision invalidated the separate but equal doctrine. Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the decision challenged the actions of the legislative and judicial branches.

Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches.

The correct response would be:

Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches.

To determine which statement develops a logical argument about how judicial restraint supports the Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision, we need to understand the concept of judicial restraint and its implications for this specific case.

Judicial restraint refers to the belief that judges should limit their own power and defer to the decisions made by the executive branch (president) and legislative branch (Congress) whenever possible. This approach seeks to preserve the balance of power among the branches of government and allows elected officials to make policy decisions.

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court decision in 1896 upheld racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. This decision allowed states to segregate public facilities as long as they were deemed equal in quality.

Among the given options, it can be inferred that the statement "Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches" develops a logical argument. This statement highlights the concept of judicial restraint by pointing out that the Supreme Court did not undermine or overturn the decisions made by the other branches of government, but rather supported them through the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.

Therefore, the correct option is: Judicial restraint supports the Plessy v. Ferguson decision because the Supreme Court did not challenge the actions of the executive or legislative branches.