Which of the following describes a stressed syllable?(1 point)


the root word
the root word

the first letter of a word
the first letter of a word

the part of a word that is silent
the part of a word that is silent

the part of a word pronounced with force

the part of a word pronounced with force

The correct answer is: the part of a word pronounced with force.

The correct response is: the part of a word pronounced with force.

To identify a stressed syllable, it's important to understand the concept of syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation that typically contains a vowel sound. For example, the word "cat" has one syllable, while the word "elephant" has three syllables (el-e-phant).

In English, some syllables in multi-syllabic words are pronounced with more emphasis or force than others. These emphasized syllables are known as stressed syllables. Stressed syllables can be identified by the way they are pronounced with more force or intensity compared to unstressed syllables in the same word.

To determine which syllable is stressed in a word, you can follow these guidelines:
1. Listen for the syllables in the word by saying it slowly and separating the sounds.
2. Pay attention to the natural rhythm or emphasis when you say the word. Some syllables may sound stronger or more pronounced than others.
3. Keep in mind that certain patterns and rules in English can also help determine which syllables are typically stressed, such as prefixes, suffixes, and word types (e.g., nouns, verbs, etc.).

Therefore, in the given responses, the correct choice is "the part of a word pronounced with force" because it accurately describes a stressed syllable.