how far away is mercury from the sun in scientific notation

The average distance between Mercury and the Sun is approximately 5.79 x 10^7 kilometers.

The average distance between Mercury and the Sun is approximately 5.79 x 10^7 kilometers in scientific notation.

To determine the distance between Mercury and the Sun in scientific notation, we need to know the value in meters first. The average distance of Mercury from the Sun is approximately 57.91 million kilometers.

To convert this value into meters, we need to multiply it by 1,000 since there are 1,000 meters in a kilometer:

57.91 million km * 1,000 m/km = 57,910,000,000 meters

Now, to express this number in scientific notation, we have to move the decimal point so that there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point (between 1 and 10). In this case, we can achieve this by moving the decimal point 10 places to the left:

57,910,000,000 meters = 5.791 x 10^10 meters

Therefore, the distance between Mercury and the Sun in scientific notation is approximately 5.791 x 10^10 meters.

write it in scientific notation

Apologies for the confusion. The distance between Mercury and the Sun in scientific notation is approximately 5.791 × 10^10 meters.

how far away is Venus

from the sun in scientific notation

The average distance between Venus and the Sun is approximately 1.08 x 10^8 kilometers or 1.08 x 10^11 meters in scientific notation.

how far away is Mars

from the sun in scientific notation

The average distance between Mars and the Sun is approximately 2.28 x 10^8 kilometers or 2.28 x 10^11 meters in scientific notation.

how far away is Earth

from the sun in scientific notation