Mercury is 5.8×107 km from the sun. Neptune is 4.5×1010 km from the sun. How much further is Neptune from the sun than Mercury?

(1 point) Responses
Multiply the distances: (5.8×10^7)⋅(4.5×10^10)=(5.8×4.5)⋅(10^(7+10))=26.1×10^17=2.61×10^18 km

Subtract the distances by getting the same power of 10: (4.5×10^10)−(5.8×10^7) =(4.5×10^10)−(0.0058×10^10)=4.49×10^10 km

Add the distances together: (5.8×10^7)+(4.5×10^10) = 10.3×10^17=1.03×10^18 km

Divide the distances: 4.5×10^10/5.8×10^7=0.78×10^3 =7.8×10^2 km

Subtract the distances: (4.5×10^10) - (5.8×10^7) = 4.4995×10^10 km

Therefore, Neptune is approximately 4.4995×10^10 km further from the sun than Mercury.

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Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's calculate the correct answer.

To find how much further Neptune is from the sun than Mercury, we need to subtract the distance of Mercury from the distance of Neptune.

Neptune is 4.5×10^10 km from the sun, and Mercury is 5.8×10^7 km from the sun.

Subtracting these distances, we have:
4.5×10^10 km - 5.8×10^7 km = 4.4992×10^10 km

Therefore, Neptune is approximately 4.4992×10^10 km further from the sun than Mercury.