The distance from Venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles. The distance from Earth to the sun is about 2.6×10^7 farther. What is the distance from Earth to the sun? Write your answer in scientific notation to 1 decimal place.(1 point)

____ × 10^7 miles

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, we need to add the distance from Venus to the sun to the distance from Earth to Venus. Given that the distance from Venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles and the distance from Earth to Venus is about 2.6×10^7 miles, we can calculate the total distance as follows:

Total distance = Distance from Venus to the sun + Distance from Earth to Venus
Total distance = 2.6×10^7 miles + 67,000,000 miles

Adding the numbers together, we get:

Total distance = 2.6×10^7 miles + 67,000,000 miles
Total distance = 93,000,000 miles

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the sun is 9.3×10^7 miles in scientific notation to 1 decimal place.

The distance from Earth to the sun is approximately 2.9 × 10^7 miles.

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, we need to subtract the distance from Venus to the sun (67,000,000 miles) from the given distance (2.6×10^7 miles farther).

First, let's convert the given distance (2.6×10^7 miles) to regular notation:
2.6×10^7 = 26,000,000 miles

Now, subtract the distance from Venus to the sun:
26,000,000 miles - 67,000,000 miles = -41,000,000 miles

Since the result is negative, it means that Earth is closer to the sun than Venus.

Finally, we convert the result to scientific notation:
-41,000,000 = -4.1×10^7 miles

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the sun is -4.1×10^7 miles.