In this activity, you will plan a safe and healthy meal.

We now know how important healthy nutrition is for the development of young minds. Pretend you are working in an elementary school and working with a group of 4th graders on a Health and Nutrition Unit. To kick off the unit, you are going to prepare them a nutritious breakfast they will eat when they walk into the classroom on Monday morning.

Task 1: Use the knowledge from the My Plate video and website to create a balanced breakfast. In one paragraph, describe what foods you will include in your breakfast. Don’t forget to mention the serving size you’ll give them and the food group it is from. Explain why you made the choices you did.

One aspect you may want to analyze is which foods will promote cognitive development for children going to school. Questions to consider: Which breakfast choices will keep them fueled until lunch?

Task 2: Now that you have your menu, write what steps you will take to ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary. You will be using the school kitchen to prepare the food. What will you do before, during, and after food preparation to ensure the food is safe to eat?

Write your two paragraphs on a document and upload it to Dropbox.
Make sure to do a plagiarism check.

In planning a balanced breakfast for the 4th graders, I would include a variety of nutritious foods from different food groups. The breakfast will consist of scrambled eggs (1 egg per student) from the protein food group, whole wheat toast (1 slice per student) from the grains food group, and a side of mixed berries (½ cup per student) from the fruits food group. I chose scrambled eggs as they are a good source of protein which helps in providing sustained energy throughout the morning. The whole wheat toast provides complex carbohydrates for energy and dietary fiber to support digestion. Lastly, the mixed berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins which promote brain health and cognitive development.

To ensure the safety and sanitation of the food and environment, I will follow a set of steps before, during, and after food preparation. Before starting the preparation, I will thoroughly clean and sanitize all utensils, cutting boards, and work surfaces. I will also wash my hands with soap and water to prevent cross-contamination. During food preparation, I will handle raw eggs with care, making sure to crack them into a separate bowl and checking for any signs of spoilage or abnormality. I will also ensure that the eggs are cooked to the recommended temperature to kill any potential bacteria.

After food preparation, I will store the cooked eggs in a covered container and refrigerate them to maintain their freshness and prevent bacterial growth. I will clean and sanitize all used utensils and surfaces, and wipe down the kitchen area to maintain a clean environment. When serving the breakfast, I will make sure to use clean plates and utensils and handle the food with clean hands.

By taking these steps, I am confident that the food provided to the 4th graders will be safe and sanitary for them to consume, promoting their health and well-being.

Task 1: To create a balanced breakfast for the 4th graders, I would include a variety of foods from different food groups. Firstly, I would serve whole grain cereal with low-fat milk. This provides carbohydrates for energy and calcium for bone health. I would suggest a serving size of 1 cup of cereal with 1/2 cup of milk. Second, I would include a fruit salad containing a mix of fruits like grapes, berries, and oranges. Fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber and can help keep the students full until lunch. The serving size would be around 1/2 cup. Thirdly, I would offer a small serving of yogurt, which provides protein and probiotics for gut health. A serving size of around 4-6 ounces would be sufficient. Lastly, I would add a slice of whole grain toast with a spread of peanut butter, providing additional protein and healthy fats. This combination of foods covers different food groups, ensuring a well-rounded meal that supports cognitive development and sustained energy throughout the morning.

Task 2: To ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary, there are several steps I would take before, during, and after food preparation. Before starting, I would wash my hands thoroughly with soap and warm water to reduce the risk of contamination. I would also sanitize the countertops and utensils that will be used. During food preparation, I would handle raw foods separately from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination. I would also ensure that all perishable ingredients, such as milk and fruits, are stored properly in refrigerators to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage. While cooking, I would follow proper temperature guidelines to ensure that foods are cooked to the appropriate internal temperature to kill any harmful bacteria. After food preparation, I would clean and sanitize all surfaces, utensils, and equipment used in the process. Leftover food would be properly stored in airtight containers and refrigerated promptly to maintain their safety. Regular cleaning schedules would be established to maintain a clean and safe environment in the school kitchen. By following these steps, I would ensure that the food prepared for the students is safe to eat, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Please note that this is a suggested response and may vary depending on individual preferences, dietary restrictions, and specific food safety protocols in the school kitchen.

Task 1: For the nutritious breakfast, I would include a variety of foods from different food groups to ensure a balanced meal for the 4th graders. The breakfast menu will consist of whole wheat toast with a spread of peanut butter, sliced bananas, and a glass of low-fat milk. The serving size for the toast will be one slice, approximately 1 ounce, which belongs to the grains group. Peanut butter, serving size of 1 tablespoon, falls under the protein group, and sliced bananas, half a medium-sized banana, belong to the fruit group. Finally, the low-fat milk, serving size of 1 cup, is part of the dairy group.

These food choices are selected to provide a combination of necessary nutrients for the children. The whole wheat toast provides complex carbohydrates, which release energy slowly and help keep the students fueled until lunchtime. The peanut butter offers protein, which is crucial for their growth and development. Bananas provide natural sweetness and fiber while also offering essential vitamins and minerals. The low-fat milk provides calcium, vitamin D, and protein necessary for healthy bones and overall growth. Together, these foods provide a balanced and nutritious breakfast that supports cognitive development and sustains the students' energy levels until lunch.

Task 2: To ensure food safety and maintain a sanitary environment, I will follow several steps before, during, and after food preparation. Before starting, I will wash my hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. I will also clean and sanitize all the utensils and kitchen surfaces that will be used for food preparation.

During food preparation, I will ensure that the ingredients are fresh and within their expiration dates. I will handle raw ingredients separately from ready-to-eat foods to prevent cross-contamination. For example, I will use separate cutting boards and utensils for slicing the bananas and preparing the whole wheat toast. I will also use clean and sterilized containers to store and transport the food.

After food preparation, I will store the breakfast items appropriately in covered containers in the refrigerator, maintaining the cold-chain temperature to prevent bacterial growth. I will label the containers with the date and time of preparation to ensure that the breakfast remains fresh and safe to eat. Additionally, I will clean and sanitize all the utensils, surfaces, and equipment used during food preparation to maintain a hygienic environment.

By following these steps, I will ensure that the food served to the 4th graders is safe, sanitary, and meets the necessary food safety standards.