What was Timbuktu's greatest import?



Timbuktu, a city in Mali, was famous for being a significant center of learning, trade, and culture in Africa during the medieval period. Its greatest import was books.

To confirm this, you can follow these steps to find credible sources:

1. Start by conducting a basic internet search using keywords such as "Timbuktu imports" or "Timbuktu history."
2. Look for reputable sources such as educational institutions, museum websites, or articles from historians specializing in African history.
3. Cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.
4. Pay attention to scholarly articles, books, or research papers that discuss the historical significance and trade routes of Timbuktu.
5. Look for specific information on what Timbuktu was known for importing during its peak, paying attention to details about books, manuscripts, or intellectual exchange.

By following these steps, you can gather information from reliable sources to confirm that Timbuktu's greatest import was indeed books.

Timbuktu's greatest import historically was books. The city of Timbuktu was considered a major center of Islamic learning and scholarship, known for its vast collection of ancient manuscripts. These manuscripts were imported from various parts of Africa, the Middle East, and beyond, making Timbuktu a renowned hub of intellectual and cultural exchange. While the city has seen other imports like tourists, food, and metal over the years, its historical significance as a trading center for manuscripts made books its greatest import.