Identify the complete predicate in the sentence below.

"The settlers traveled west in covered wagons."
(1 point)

traveled west
traveled west

settlers traveled
settlers traveled

traveled west in covered wagons

traveled west in covered wagons

The complete predicate in the sentence "The settlers traveled west in covered wagons" is "traveled west in covered wagons."


To identify the complete predicate in the sentence "The settlers traveled west in covered wagons," you need to locate the verb and any words or phrases related to it that complete the predicate.

In this case, the verb is "traveled." To determine if there are any words or phrases that complete the predicate, look for anything that modifies or gives more information about the verb "traveled."

In the given sentence, the phrase "west in covered wagons" provides additional information about the action of the settlers. Therefore, the complete predicate is "traveled west in covered wagons."

So, the correct response is "traveled west in covered wagons."

The complete predicate in a sentence includes the main verb and all of its modifiers or objects. In the sentence "The settlers traveled west in covered wagons," the main verb is "traveled." The phrase "west in covered wagons" describes how the settlers traveled and acts as a modifier to the main verb. Therefore, the complete predicate is "traveled west in covered wagons."