Drag the definition to the matching term.(9 points)

Put responses in the correct input to answer
First-degree burn
First Aid
Second-degree burn
Third-degree burn

First-degree burn - A mild burn that only affects the outer layer of the skin, typically resulting in redness and pain.

Abrasion - A wound caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface, resulting in a superficial injury.
Puncture - A wound caused by a pointed object piercing through the skin, creating a small hole.
Avulsion - A severe injury where a portion of the skin or tissue is completely torn or separated from the body.
CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a first-aid procedure performed to revive someone in cardiac arrest by providing chest compressions and rescue breaths.
First Aid - Immediate and temporary assistance given to a sick or injured person until medical professionals can provide further treatment.
Laceration - A deep cut or tear in the skin or flesh, usually caused by a sharp object.
Second-degree burn - A moderate burn that affects both the outer layer of the skin and the layer beneath, often resulting in redness, blisters, and pain.
Third-degree burn - A severe burn that affects all layers of the skin and deeper tissues, typically resulting in charring, loss of sensation, and potential damage to bones and muscles.

- First-degree burn: Superficial burn that affects only the outer layer of the skin.

- Abrasion: A superficial wound that occurs when the skin is scraped or rubbed against a rough surface.
- Puncture: A wound caused by a sharp object piercing the skin, creating a small hole.
- Avulsion: A severe injury that occurs when tissue is forcibly torn away, resulting in a flap of skin or other body part being completely removed.
- CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, a life-saving technique performed in emergencies to restore blood circulation and breathing.
- First Aid: Immediate medical assistance provided to someone who has been injured or taken ill, before professional medical help arrives.
- Laceration: A deep cut or tear in the skin or flesh.
- Second-degree burn: A burn that affects the outer layer of skin as well as the layer beneath, causing blistering, redness, and pain.
- Third-degree burn: The most severe type of burn, characterized by damage to all layers of the skin and underlying tissues, often resulting in a charred or blackened appearance.

Certainly! Here are the definitions for each term:

1. First-degree burn: Superficial burn that affects only the epidermis (outermost layer of the skin). It typically causes redness, pain, and minor swelling.

2. Abrasion: A wound caused by rubbing or scraping the skin, resulting in the removal of the superficial layer of skin and sometimes causing bleeding.

3. Puncture: A deep wound caused by a sharp object penetrating the skin. It typically forms a small hole without a large surface area.

4. Avulsion: A severe wound in which layers of skin and underlying tissue are completely torn away, often leaving exposed muscles, tendons, or bones.

5. CPR: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation is a life-saving technique used in emergencies to manually restart the heart and restore breathing in people who have suffered cardiac arrest or stopped breathing.

6. First Aid: The immediate and initial care provided to an injured or ill person before professional medical assistance arrives. It includes basic medical techniques to stabilize the condition and prevent further harm.

7. Laceration: A deep, jagged wound caused by tearing or cutting of the skin or tissue. It usually occurs due to sharp objects, and can often result in significant bleeding.

8. Second-degree burn: A burn that affects both the epidermis and dermis (second layer of skin). It typically causes redness, pain, blisters, and swelling.

9. Third-degree burn: The most severe burn, affecting all layers of the skin and potentially underlying tissues. It can result in blackened or charred skin, numbness, and damage to muscles, bones, and organs.

Please match each term with its corresponding definition.