Which of the following is the difference between a topic and a central idea?(1 point)


A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.
A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

A topic introduces a central idea.
A topic introduces a central idea.

A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.
A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research

The difference between a topic and a central idea is that a topic introduces a central idea. A topic is the subject or main idea of a piece of writing or discussion, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after conducting research or analysis. The central idea often includes supporting details, which provide further information and evidence about the topic. So, the correct option is: A topic introduces a central idea.

To determine the difference between a topic and a central idea, we need to understand their definitions and how they relate to each other.

1. A topic is the general subject or theme of a text or conversation. It provides a broad overview of what the text or conversation is about. For example, if the topic is "climate change," it means that the discussion will revolve around the issue of climate change.

2. A central idea, on the other hand, is a specific statement or concept that encapsulates the main point or message of the text. It represents the author's main focus or argument within the broader topic. For example, within the topic of "climate change," a possible central idea could be "The increase in greenhouse gas emissions is the main driver of global warming."

Now, let's analyze the responses provided:

1. "A central idea includes supporting details about the topic." - This response correctly explains that a central idea includes supporting details about the topic. In other words, the central idea expands on the general subject by providing specific information and supporting evidence.

2. "A topic introduces a central idea." - This response correctly states that a topic introduces a central idea. The topic sets the stage for the central idea to be presented and explored within the text.

3. "A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research." - This response is incorrect. In this statement, the roles of the topic and central idea are reversed. The topic is the subject or theme, while the central idea is the writer's main point or perspective on that topic.

4. "A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research." - This response correctly defines the roles of the topic and central idea. The topic is the general subject or theme, while the central idea represents the writer's perspective or argument about that topic, which may be based on research.

Based on these explanations, the correct response is: "A central idea includes supporting details about the topic."

Which transition word or phrase shows a time relationship?(1 point)



in summary
in summary


for example


Identify the sentence that uses a cause and effect relationship.(1 point)


For best results, bring the water to a boil before adding the pasta.
For best results, bring the water to a boil before adding the pasta.

As soon as I had brushed my teeth and combed my hair I put my favorite earrings on.
As soon as I had brushed my teeth and combed my hair I put my favorite earrings on.

Dogs are typically loud and active, while cats are usually quiet and sedentary.
Dogs are typically loud and active, while cats are usually quiet and sedentary.

Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.

Since the electricity was out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.