Which of the following is the difference between a topic and a central idea?(1 point)


A topic introduces a central idea.
A topic introduces a central idea.

A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.
A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.
A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

A topic introduces a central idea.

The correct answer is:

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

The correct answer is: A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

To understand the difference between a topic and a central idea, it is important to first understand their definitions:

- Topic: This refers to the general subject or theme that a piece of writing focuses on. It provides a broad overview of what the writing is about.

- Central idea: Also known as the main idea, the central idea is the author's specific viewpoint or opinion on the topic. It is the core message or argument that the writer wants to convey about the subject.

With that in mind, let's analyze each response:

- "A topic introduces a central idea." (Repeated response): This statement is not accurate in differentiating between a topic and a central idea. It simply restates the relationship between the two without explaining the distinction.

- "A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research." This is incorrect. The central idea is not the subject itself. Rather, it is the writer's perspective or interpretation of the subject after conducting research.

- "A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research." This is the correct answer. It accurately describes that the topic is the subject or theme being discussed, while the central idea represents the author's thoughts or viewpoint on the topic after conducting research.

- "A central idea includes supporting details about the topic." This statement is incorrect as it actually describes a supporting detail rather than the central idea itself. The central idea is a concise statement representing the writer's perspective, while supporting details provide evidence or examples to support that central idea.

In conclusion, the correct difference between a topic and a central idea is that the topic refers to the subject, while the central idea refers to the writer's perspective on the topic after conducting research.