Which of the following is the difference between a topic and a central idea?(1 point)


A topic introduces a central idea.
A topic introduces a central idea.

A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.
A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.

A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.
A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

A central idea includes supporting details about the topic.

The difference between a topic and a central idea is that a topic is the subject of a discussion or piece of writing, while a central idea is what the writer thinks or believes about the topic after conducting research.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the definitions of topic and central idea:

1. Topic: A topic is the general subject matter or main idea that a piece of writing or discussion is centered around. It is the broad focus of the content.

2. Central Idea: The central idea, also known as the main idea, is the specific viewpoint, argument, or message that the writer conveys or believes about the topic. It represents the main point or conclusion that the writer wants to express.

Now let's evaluate the provided responses:

Response 1: "A topic introduces a central idea."
This is incorrect because it doesn't explain the difference between a topic and a central idea. It simply restates that a topic introduces a central idea without further distinction.

Response 2: "A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research."
This is the correct answer. It correctly distinguishes between the topic and the central idea, stating that the topic is the subject or main subject matter, while the central idea is the writer's perspective or conclusion about the topic after conducting research.

Response 3: "A central idea is the subject, while the topic is what the writer thinks about the central idea after research."
This is incorrect because it swaps the definitions of topic and central idea. It states that the central idea is the subject, which is actually the role of the topic. It also incorrectly describes the topic as what the writer thinks about the central idea after research.

Response 4: "A central idea includes supporting details about the topic."
This is incorrect because it describes the relationship between the central idea and supporting details, rather than explaining the difference between a topic and a central idea.

Therefore, the correct answer is Response 2: "A topic is the subject, while the central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research."

The difference between a topic and a central idea is that a topic introduces a central idea, while a central idea is what the writer thinks about the topic after research.