Which plant needs wind for fertilization to occur? (1 point)


pine tree
pine tree





Ferns are plants that need wind for fertilization to occur.

The plant that needs wind for fertilization to occur is the pine tree. To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding the process of plant fertilization. In most plants, fertilization involves the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ to the female reproductive organ. This can happen through different mechanisms such as insects, animals, or wind.

In the case of pine trees, they rely on wind for their pollination process. Pine trees produce male cones that release pollen grains into the air. These grains are then carried by the wind and can travel long distances. Eventually, some of these pollen grains land on the female cones of other pine trees, leading to fertilization and seed formation.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is pine tree.