When Emma moved into her new house, she planted a pine tree in her backyard. This table shows the tree's height as time passed.

Year Height (feet)
2016 5
2017 6
2018 8
2019 9.5
2020 11
2021 12.5
What was the tree's average growth rate between 2016 and 2021? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

1.5 feet per year

The average growth rate between 2016 and 2021 was 1.3 feet per year.

To calculate the average growth rate of the tree between 2016 and 2021, we need to find the total growth and divide it by the number of years.

The initial height of the tree in 2016 is 5 feet, and its final height in 2021 is 12.5 feet.
So, the total growth is 12.5 ft - 5 ft = 7.5 ft.

The number of years between 2016 and 2021 is 2021 - 2016 = 5 years.

To find the average growth rate, we divide the total growth by the number of years:
Average growth rate = Total growth / Number of years
Average growth rate = 7.5 ft / 5 years
Average growth rate = 1.5 ft/year.

Therefore, the tree's average growth rate between 2016 and 2021 is 1.5 feet per year.

To find the average growth rate of the pine tree between 2016 and 2021, we need to calculate the total growth and divide it by the number of years.

First, determine the initial height of the tree in 2016, which is given as 5 feet.

Then, calculate the total growth by subtracting the initial height from the final height. The final height of the tree in 2021 is given as 12.5 feet.

Total Growth = Final Height - Initial Height = 12.5 feet - 5 feet = 7.5 feet

Next, calculate the number of years between 2016 and 2021. The total number of years is 2021 - 2016 = 5 years.

Finally, divide the total growth by the number of years to find the average growth rate.

Average Growth Rate = Total Growth / Number of Years = 7.5 feet / 5 years = 1.5 feet per year

Therefore, the tree's average growth rate between 2016 and 2021 is 1.5 feet per year.