Which plant needs wind for fertilization to occur?

A. Rose bush
B. Lily.
C. Fern.
D. Pine tree.

1. a spore

3.the female cones
4. pine tree
this is for the non-flowering plant reproduction quick check.

The correct answer is D. Pine tree.

Pine trees are wind-pollinated, which means they rely on the wind to carry pollen from the male cones to the female cones for fertilization to occur. Unlike plants that rely on insects or other animals for pollination, pine trees do not produce showy flowers or nectar to attract pollinators. Instead, they produce large quantities of lightweight pollen that is easily carried by the wind.

C. Fern.

To determine which plant needs wind for fertilization to occur, we can consider the different reproductive mechanisms of the plants mentioned.

A. Rose bush - Roses rely on insects, such as bees, for pollen transfer and fertilization. They have showy flowers to attract pollinators.

B. Lily - Lilies reproduce through a process called "cross-pollination" where the pollen from the male parts (stamen) of one flower is transferred to the female part (pistil) of another flower. This can be achieved by insects, but lilies do not necessarily rely on wind for fertilization.

C. Fern - Ferns are unique because they reproduce using spores rather than seeds. Spores are small and light and can disperse through various methods, including wind. However, wind is not necessary for fern fertilization as it mainly involves spore dispersal.

D. Pine tree - Pine trees are known to rely heavily on wind for pollination. They produce male cones that release pollen into the air, which is then carried by wind currents to reach the female cones for fertilization.

Based on this analysis, the plant that needs wind for fertilization to occur is the D. Pine tree.

hey my name is in this quition! im lily!!!