Category 3: Use of Symbolism in Both Speeches (10 Marks)

Explain and discuss the use of symbolism in each speech, i.e., what is the significance of any objects/props speakers use in their speeches? (5x2=10)
Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi. "i see something". Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani. "power of words".

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi. "i see something"

In Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech, he uses a red marker as a symbolic prop. Throughout his speech, he continuously refers to the red marker as a representation of his belief that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness. The red marker symbolizes passion, determination, and the power to create change. It serves as a visual cue for the audience to focus on their own potential and realize that they too can make a difference. By using the red marker as a symbol, Hettiarachchi is able to effectively convey his message and create a lasting impact on the audience.

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani. "power of words"
In Mohammed Qahtani's speech, he uses an empty glass as a symbolic object. Throughout his speech, he fills the glass with different substances such as sand, water, and stones to represent different aspects of life. The empty glass symbolizes the human mind and its capacity to be filled with knowledge, experiences, and emotions. By using the glass as a symbol, Qahtani highlights the importance of choosing the right words and ideas to fill our minds. The symbolism of the glass serves to reinforce Qahtani's main message of the power of words and emphasizes the impact they can have on individuals and society as a whole.

To analyze the use of symbolism in each speech, you will need to watch or read the speeches and identify any objects or props that the speakers use. Once you have identified these objects, you can then explore their significance and how they contribute to the overall message of the speech.

For Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's "i see something," the speaker uses a chair as a prop. The chair represents an imaginary person or situation that Hettiarachchi interacts with throughout his speech. By incorporating this prop, he is able to create a sense of interaction and engagement with his audience.

The significance of the chair lies in its ability to symbolize different people or situations that we encounter in life. By using the chair, Hettiarachchi is able to evoke empathy and establish a connection with his audience. It also serves as a visual representation of his main message, which is to encourage individuals to perceive opportunities and potential in their difficult circumstances.

For Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani's "power of words," Qahtani does not necessarily use any specific objects or props during his speech. However, the central symbolism lies in the words themselves. Qahtani emphasizes the power of words to heal, motivate, and inspire individuals.

In this case, the significance of the symbolism lies in the intangible nature of words. Qahtani highlights how words can have a profound impact on our lives, shaping our thoughts, actions, and emotions. He emphasizes that words can be both a weapon or a healing balm, depending on how they are used. The absence of physical props in Qahtani's speech adds to the power and universality of his message.

To further analyze the use of symbolism in each speech, consider the context, delivery, and overall theme of the speeches. Also, observe how the speakers incorporate their chosen objects or props into their presentation and consider the visual impact it has on the audience. Remember to provide specific examples and explain how the use of these symbols contributes to the overall message and effectiveness of the speeches.

In Speech 1, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi utilizes symbolism through the use of various objects or props to enhance his message. The significance of these objects adds depth to his speech.

1. Coins: Hettiarachchi uses the coin as a symbol of value and worth. He throws coins into the crowd to represent the idea that every individual has value and the potential to bring positive change to society.

2. Mirror: The mirror represents self-reflection and self-awareness. Hettiarachchi asks the audience to look into their metaphorical mirrors to examine their actions and make positive changes.

3. Feather: The feather symbolizes lightness, freedom, and hope. Hettiarachchi talks about how life is like a feather and encourages the audience to let go of heavy burdens and negativity.

4. Seed: Hettiarachchi uses a seed to represent potential and growth. He invites the audience to embrace their potential and work towards achieving their goals and dreams.

5. Tree: The tree in Hettiarachchi's speech symbolizes strength, stability, and growth. He emphasizes that like a tree, we should stand tall and make a positive impact on the world.

Moving on to Speech 2 by Mohammed Qahtani, symbolism is also a key element to enhance his speech on the power of words.

1. Empty glass: Qahtani uses an empty glass to symbolize the power of silence. By staying silent, he demonstrates that words have a greater impact when used selectively and thoughtfully.

2. Matchstick: The matchstick symbolizes the ability of words to ignite powerful emotions and actions. Qahtani explains how a single word can spark a fire within someone, inspiring them to take action.

3. Chemical reactions: Qahtani uses the analogy of a chemical reaction to symbolize how words can create positive or negative impacts. By choosing the right words, he encourages the audience to create positive reactions.

4. Feather: Similar to Hettiarachchi's use of the feather, Qahtani also utilizes it as a symbol of lightness, freedom, and hope. He mentions that words can be as light as a feather, yet carry immense power.

5. Box: Qahtani talks about the power of storytelling and how words can help break the limits of the box people often confine themselves to. The box symbolizes self-imposed limitations, and words have the power to challenge and overcome these limitations.

Overall, both speakers effectively use symbolism in their speeches to visually represent their messages and provoke deeper thinking and understanding from the audience.