earths radius is approximately 3,959 miles, while jupiter is approximately 4.3441 time 10 to the power of 4. how much bigger is jupiters radius compared to earths. use scientific notation

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we can divide the radius of Jupiter by the radius of Earth.

Jupiter's radius = 4.3441 × 10^4 miles
Earth's radius = 3,959 miles

Jupiter's radius / Earth's radius = (4.3441 × 10^4) / 3,959
= 1.0962 × 10^1

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 10.962 times bigger than Earth's radius.

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we need to calculate the ratio of the two radii. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the radii into the same unit, in this case, miles.

Earth's radius = 3,959 miles
Jupiter's radius = 4.3441 × 10^4 miles (in scientific notation)

Step 2: Calculate the ratio by dividing Jupiter's radius by Earth's radius.

Ratio = Jupiter's radius / Earth's radius
= (4.3441 × 10^4 miles) / 3,959 miles
= (4.3441 × 10^4) / (3.959) × 10^0
= 1.0963 × 10^1 (approximately)

Step 3: Express the result in scientific notation.

1.0963 × 10^1 can be written as 1.0963 × 10^(1-1) = 1.0963 × 10^0 = 10.963

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 10.963 times bigger than Earth's radius.

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we can divide Jupiter's radius by Earth's radius.

Jupiter's radius is approximately 4.3441 x 10^4 miles.

Earth's radius is approximately 3,959 miles.

So, the calculation would be:

4.3441 x 10^4 / 3,959

To divide the numbers written in scientific notation, we can subtract the exponents and divide the coefficients.

The exponent in the numerator is 4, and the exponent in the denominator is 0.

So, we subtract the exponents:

4 - 0 = 4

The coefficient in the numerator is 4.3441, and the coefficient in the denominator is 3,959.

So, we divide the coefficients:

4.3441 / 3,959 = 1.09677

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 1.09677 times bigger than Earth's radius.

Expressed in scientific notation, it is approximately 1.097 x 10^1 (since 1.09677 is closest to 1.097).