earths radius is approximately 3,959 miles, while Jupiter's radius is approximately 4.3441x10^4 miles how much bigger is Jupiter's radius compared to earths? express your answer in scientific notation. do not round your answer. _x_miles

Jupiter's radius is approximately 1.097x10^1 times bigger than Earth's radius.

To determine how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we need to calculate the ratio between the two radii.

Jupiter's radius: 4.3441 × 10^4 miles
Earth's radius: 3,959 miles

The formula to calculate the ratio is:
Ratio = Jupiter's radius / Earth's radius

Plugging in the values, we have:
Ratio = 4.3441 × 10^4 miles / 3,959 miles

To divide these values, we can convert the Earth's radius into scientific notation as well:
Ratio = 4.3441 × 10^4 miles / 3.959 × 10^3 miles

Since we are dividing the values, the division of the exponents becomes subtraction:
Ratio = 4.3441 / 3.959 × 10^(4 - 3)

Performing the division:
Ratio = 1.097 × 10^(4 - 3)

Simplifying the power of 10:
Ratio = 1.097 × 10^1

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 1.097 × 10^1 (or 10.97) times bigger than Earth's radius.

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we can calculate the ratio of their radii.

The ratio can be determined by dividing Jupiter's radius by Earth's radius:

Ratio = Jupiter's radius / Earth's radius

Substituting the given values into the equation:

Ratio = (4.3441 × 10^4 miles) / (3,959 miles)

Dividing these two values:

Ratio ≈ 10.9695

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 10.9695 times bigger than Earth's radius.

Expressing this answer in scientific notation:

Jupiter's radius = (10.9695 × 3,959) miles

Jupiter's radius ≈ 4.336 × 10^4 miles