Employ your understanding of the use of a graphic map scale to determine the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston within 10 miles (you may want to use a ruler).

(1 point)

approximately 180 miles

approximately 280 miles

approximately 240 miles

approximately 80 miles

To determine the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston using a graphic map scale, follow these steps:

1. Look for the graphic scale on the map. It is usually a line with markings indicating distance.
2. Measure the distance between San Antonio and Houston on the map using a ruler. Let's say it measures 2 inches.
3. Locate the corresponding unit of distance on the graphic scale. For example, the scale might indicate that every inch on the map represents 100 miles.
4. Multiply the measured distance (2 inches) by the corresponding unit of distance (100 miles/inch). In this case, it would be 2 inches * 100 miles/inch = 200 miles.
5. Estimate the distance within 10 miles by adding or subtracting 10 miles from the calculated distance. So, the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston would be around 200 miles +/- 10 miles.

Therefore, the closest response option would be "approximately 240 miles".

To determine the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston using a graphic map scale, you will need to use a ruler or a measuring tool.

Step 1: Locate the map scale on the map. It is usually represented by a line labeled with measurements.

Step 2: Measure the distance between San Antonio and Houston on the map using a ruler. Let's say the measured distance is 4 inches.

Step 3: Use the map scale to convert the measured distance into actual miles. For example, if each inch on the map represents 50 miles according to the map scale, then 4 inches would represent 4 * 50 = 200 miles.

Therefore, the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston is approximately 200 miles.

None of the answer options provided match this result exactly, but the closest one is "approximately 180 miles."