The scale on a map of Saskatchewan is 1 cm represents 50 km. The actual distance between Regina and Saskatoon is 247 km. Whatis the map distance between these two places?

1/50 = x/247

Solve for x.

1/50 = x/247 | 247 =50x | 247/50 = 4.94km.

To find the map distance between Regina and Saskatoon, we can use the scale given on the map.

The scale on the map is 1 cm represents 50 km. This means that for every centimeter on the map, the actual distance is 50 kilometers.

To find the map distance, we need to determine how many centimeters on the map represent the actual distance between Regina and Saskatoon, which is 247 km.

We can set up a proportion to solve for the map distance:

1 cm / 50 km = x cm / 247 km

Cross-multiplying, we get:

50 km * x cm = 1 cm * 247 km

Simplifying, we have:

50x = 247

Now, divide both sides by 50:

x = 247 / 50

Evaluating this division, we get:

x ≈ 4.94 cm

Therefore, the map distance between Regina and Saskatoon is approximately 4.94 centimeters.

x = 5.14