Given segment AB, explain how to construct a square with sides of length AB.

To construct a square with sides of length AB, follow the steps below:

1. Place the compass at point A and draw an arc that intersects segment AB. Label the intersection point as C.

2. Without changing the compass width, move the compass to point C and draw another arc that intersects the previous arc. Label the intersection point as D.

3. Using a straightedge, draw a line segment from point C to point D. This line segment should pass through point B.

4. Construct perpendicular bisectors of segments AB and CD. To do this, place the compass at point A and draw arcs above and below segment AB. Repeat this step by placing the compass at point B and drawing arcs both above and below segment AB. With a straightedge, draw a line that connects the intersections of these arcs. This line will be the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. Repeat the same steps with segment CD to find its perpendicular bisector.

5. Let the perpendicular bisectors of segments AB and CD intersect at point E. Point E will be the center of the square.

6. Finally, draw lines from point E to the four corners of the square (points A, B, C, and D). These lines will form the sides of the square, with each side being of length AB.

The resulting figure will be a square with sides of length AB.

To construct a square with sides of length AB, follow these steps:

1. Draw segment AB as the base of the square.

2. Find the midpoint M of segment AB by using a compass. Place the compass on point A and draw an arc that intersects the segment. Repeat this step from point B. The point where the arcs intersect is the midpoint.

3. With the compass set to the length of AB, place the compass on point M and draw a circle that intersects segment AB at points C and D.

4. Draw segments AC, CD, DB, and BA to complete the square.

Now you have constructed a square with sides of length AB.

To construct a square with sides of length AB, follow these steps:

Step 1:
Draw a straight line segment and label it as AB.

Step 2:
Using point A as the center, draw a circle with radius AB. This can be done by placing the tip of your compass at point A and extending the pencil to point B. Then, draw an arc that intersects the line segment AB at two points, say C and D.

Step 3:
Using point B as the center this time, draw another circle with the same radius AB. With the compass set to the same distance as in Step 2, draw another arc intersecting the line segment AB at two points, say E and F.

Step 4:
Draw the line segments CD and EF. These two lines should cross each other, intersecting at a point, let's call it G.

Step 5:
Now, draw line segments AG and BG. These two lines will connect points A and B to the intersection point G.

Step 6:
The figure formed by the line segments AG, BG, AB, and the arc AC or AD, forms a square with sides of length AB.

Keep in mind that the construction is based on the assumption that AB is a straight line segment.