Segment WX is shown


Explain how you would construct a perpendicular bisector of WX using a compass and a straightedge.

I got u

so you take a line like AB and put it through the middle of WX facing down

thats my answer for 22

uh i mean...Ribbit

i would beat u if we ever met bc of how annoying u r. u prob have freckles and red hair and ur name is prob corey

i think lil darky has a problem with someone named corey

I so agree with what lil darkie said. bc if i want to cheat i will, like wtf are you going to do? 💀

just a little? maybe a lot lol

I agree with ash , y’all are not special bc y’all don’t cheat

That doesn't help @Connections Academy :(.

did bro just write his entire life story abt jesus 💀

i need help with 22 i dont understand i got the rest but not that one

I've never been reported, just give the answer already.