Evaluate the following expression when x = 5: 8(2x+6)(1 point) Responses 86 86 24 24 104 104 128

To evaluate the expression when x = 5, we substitute x with 5 in the expression:

8(2(5) + 6)

This simplifies to:

8(10 + 6)


And the final result is:


To evaluate the expression when x = 5, we substitute the value of x into the expression:

8(2x + 6)

Since x = 5:

8(2(5) + 6)

First, we simplify within the parentheses:

8(10 + 6)

Next, we simplify the addition within the parentheses:


Finally, we multiply:


Therefore, the expression evaluates to 128 when x = 5.

To evaluate the expression when x = 5, we need to substitute the value of x into the expression and perform the calculations accordingly.

The given expression is: 8(2x + 6)

Substituting x = 5, we get: 8(2 * 5 + 6)

First, we need to evaluate what's inside the parentheses: 2 * 5 = 10

Next, we add the result to 6: 10 + 6 = 16

Now, we multiply 8 by the result: 8 * 16 = 128

Therefore, the value of the expression when x = 5 is 128.

Evaluate the following expression: 3x+6−y when x = 2 and y = 5(1 point) Responses 10 10 7 7 6 6 4

To evaluate the expression when x = 2 and y = 5, we substitute the values into the expression:

3x + 6 - y

Substituting x = 2 and y = 5, we get:

3(2) + 6 - 5

6 + 6 - 5

Adding and subtracting:
12 - 5

Therefore, the value of the expression when x = 2 and y = 5 is 7.

Evaluate the following expression: 5c−2k when c = 7 and k = 3(1 point) Responses 7 7 29 29 3 3 34

To evaluate the expression when c = 7 and k = 3, we substitute the values into the expression:

5c - 2k

Substituting c = 7 and k = 3, we get:

5(7) - 2(3)

35 - 6


Therefore, the value of the expression when c = 7 and k = 3 is 29.

Evaluate the following expression: 2(k3+h−e) when h = 18, k = 2, and e = 7(1 point) Responses 34 34 19 19 38 38 98

To evaluate the expression when h = 18, k = 2, and e = 7, we substitute the values into the expression:

2(k^3 + h - e)

Substituting h = 18, k = 2, and e = 7, we get:

2(2^3 + 18 - 7)

Evaluating the exponent:
2(8 + 18 - 7)

Performing the addition and subtraction within the parentheses:
2(8 + 11)


And the final result is:

Therefore, the value of the expression when h = 18, k = 2, and e = 7 is 38.

Evaluate the following expression: 4c+72−r+2w when w = 3, c = 5, and r = 11(1 point) Responses 64 64 29 29 106 106 21