what are some examples of the ways colonies began to self-govern? Select two that apply.

a Mercantilists established a set of taxes that colonists were required to pay
b Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues
c When first starting to self-govern, Virginia colonists could only vote in government matters if they owned land
d Colonists elected government representatives

b Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues

d Colonists elected government representatives

To find some examples of the ways colonies began to self-govern, we can look at the options provided and select two that apply.

Option a: Mercantilists established a set of taxes that colonists were required to pay. This option does not involve self-governance but rather shows control imposed by external entities (mercantilists) by implementing taxes on the colonists. Therefore, this option does not apply.

Option b: Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues. This option reflects a form of self-governance. Puritans in New England colonies, such as Massachusetts Bay Colony, often held town meetings where important matters were debated and decided by community members. This demonstrated a participatory democratic process within the colony, making it an example of self-governance.

Option c: When first starting to self-govern, Virginia colonists could only vote in government matters if they owned land. This option also pertains to self-governance. In early Virginia, the right to vote was limited to male landowners. This form of restricted suffrage meant that only those who owned land had the ability to participate in government matters, such as electing representatives.

Option d: Colonists elected government representatives. This option is another example of self-governance. Many colonies, such as the New England colonies, established representative bodies, such as the House of Burgesses in Virginia or the General Court in Massachusetts. In these representative bodies, the colonists could elect individuals to represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf.

Therefore, the two examples that apply to the ways colonies began to self-govern are:

1. Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues.
2. Colonists elected government representatives.

Two examples of the ways colonies began to self-govern are:

1. Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues: This is an example of self-governance where the Puritans in New England established town meetings in which they could openly discuss and decide on important matters affecting their communities. These meetings allowed for active participation and decision-making by the local residents.

2. Colonists elected government representatives: As a form of self-governance, colonies like Virginia allowed the colonists to elect their own government representatives. This meant that the colonists had a say in who would represent and govern them at the local level.