5.79 × 10v7 - 4.4951 × 10v9 show your work

To perform the subtraction of these numbers expressed in scientific notation, we need to make sure that the exponents are the same. In this case, the exponent for both numbers is a positive number (7 and 9), so we need to adjust the second number to match the exponent of the first number.

Starting with 5.79 × 10^7, we can adjust the exponent of 10^7 to 10^9 by multiplying the decimal part by (10^(9-7)) which is 10^2.

5.79 × 10^7 = 5.79 × 10^(7+2) = 5.79 × 10^9 (adjusted first number)

Now, let's subtract the adjusted first number from the second number:

5.79 × 10^9 - 4.4951 × 10^9

To subtract these numbers, we only have to subtract their coefficient parts since the exponents are the same (10^9).

5.79 - 4.4951 = 1.2949

Therefore, the subtraction of 5.79 × 10^7 - 4.4951 × 10^9 is:

1.2949 × 10^9

To subtract the two numbers in scientific notation, 5.79 × 10^7 and 4.4951 × 10^9, we need to first make sure the exponents are the same. In this case, the exponents are already different, so we need to adjust one of the numbers.

We want to adjust the number with the larger exponent (10^9) to have the same exponent as the smaller number (10^7). To do this, we need to move the decimal point in 4.4951 × 10^9 two places to the left.

Moving the decimal point two places to the left gives us 44.951 × 10^7.

Now that the exponents are the same, we can subtract the two numbers.

5.79 × 10^7 - 44.951 × 10^7 = (5.79 - 44.951) × 10^7

Performing the subtraction gives us:
-39.161 × 10^7

Finally, we can express this result in scientific notation by moving the decimal point to get a number between 1 and 10, and adjusting the exponent accordingly.

We move the decimal point one place to the left to get -3.9161 × 10^8.

Therefore, 5.79 × 10^7 - 4.4951 × 10^9 is equal to -3.9161 × 10^8.

To subtract these two numbers in scientific notation, we first need to make sure they have the same exponent.

5.79 × 10^7 - 4.4951 × 10^9

Step 1: Adjust the exponent

To adjust the exponents, we need to move the decimal point in the first number to match the exponent of the second number.

5.79 × 10^7 becomes 0.000000579 × 10^9

Step 2: Perform the subtraction

Now that the exponents are the same, we can subtract the two numbers on their corresponding places:

0.000000579 × 10^9 - 4.4951 × 10^9

Subtracting the numbers gives us:

= (0.000000579 - 4.4951) × 10^9

= -4.494520421 × 10^9

So, 5.79 × 10^7 - 4.4951 × 10^9 is approximately -4.494520421 × 10^9.