2.8725 × 10v9 + 2.279 × 10v8 show your work

To perform this calculation, we'll add the two numbers together in scientific notation:

2.8725 × 10^9 + 2.279 × 10^8

First, let's make the exponents the same by multiplying the second number by 10:

2.8725 × 10^9 + 22.79 × 10^7

Now we can add the numbers:

2.8725 × 10^9 + 22.79 × 10^7 = 2.8725 × 10^9 + 2.279 × 10^8

Next, we'll add the coefficients:

2.8725 + 2.279 = 5.1515

Finally, we'll keep the exponent from the larger number, which is 10^9:

5.1515 × 10^9

So the sum of 2.8725 × 10^9 and 2.279 × 10^8 is 5.1515 × 10^9.

To add the numbers 2.8725 × 10^9 and 2.279 × 10^8, you need to make sure that the exponents (v) are the same. In this case, the exponent of the first number is 9 and the exponent of the second number is 8.

Step 1: To make the exponents the same, you can rewrite 2.279 × 10^8 as 0.2279 × 10^9.

Step 2: Now that the exponents are the same, you can add the two numbers together.

2.8725 × 10^9 + 0.2279 × 10^9 = (2.8725 + 0.2279) × 10^9

Step 3: Performing the addition:

2.8725 + 0.2279 = 3.1004

Therefore, the sum is 3.1004 × 10^9.

To add these two numbers, we need to make sure that the exponents of the powers of 10 are the same.

The first number, 2.8725 × 10^9, has an exponent of 9. The second number, 2.279 × 10^8, has an exponent of 8. We need to adjust the second number so that it has the same exponent as the first one.

To do this, we can multiply the second number by 10. This gives us:

2.279 × 10^8 × 10 = 22.79 × 10^8

Now that both numbers have the same exponent, 8, we can add them:

(2.8725 × 10^9) + (22.79 × 10^8)

To add them, we only need to add the corresponding coefficients:

2.8725 + 22.79 = 25.6625

So the final result is:

25.6625 × 10^8