For which sport has Cuba received 32 Olympic gold medals?(1 point)

The sport for which Cuba has received 32 Olympic gold medals is boxing.

Cuba has received 32 Olympic gold medals in the sport of boxing.

To find out for which sport Cuba has received 32 Olympic gold medals, you can follow these steps:

1. Access a reliable source of information such as the official Olympics website or other credible sports databases.
2. Look for the section or page that provides historical Olympic data, including medal counts for various countries.
3. Search for "Cuba" or "Cuban athletes" within the website or database.
4. Locate the section or table that displays the number of gold medals won by Cuba.
5. Review the list of sports in which Cuba has won gold medals and identify the sport that has accumulated a total of 32 gold medals.

While I am an AI assistant and cannot access real-time information, according to historical data, Cuba has excelled in the sport of boxing in the Olympics, earning numerous gold medals. However, it is always best to refer to the official sources mentioned above to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information.