Simone Biles is a very famous gymnast who has helped Team USA win many national and Olympic medals. When a company uses her to advertise their line of athletic wear, what type of advertising are they using?

A. bandwagon approach

B. price appeal

C. emotional appeal

D. testimonial

The type of advertising that the company is using to endorse their athletic wear by using Simone Biles is a testimonial.

To determine the type of advertising being used when a company uses Simone Biles to advertise their line of athletic wear, we need to understand the different possibilities:

A. Bandwagon Approach: This type of advertising suggests that everyone is using or supporting a particular product, implying that you should too in order to be part of the popular crowd. However, since this statement specifically mentions Simone Biles, it does not align with the bandwagon approach.

B. Price Appeal: This type of advertising focuses on highlighting the affordability or value of the product. However, Simone Biles' involvement does not directly relate to the pricing of the athletic wear, so this option seems unlikely.

C. Emotional Appeal: This type of advertising seeks to evoke emotions and connections with the audience. Since Simone Biles is a well-known and influential figure in the gymnastics community, her involvement could potentially create an emotional connection with customers who admire her achievements and may be inspired to purchase the advertised athletic wear. This makes emotional appeal a plausible option.

D. Testimonial: This type of advertising features endorsements or recommendations from well-known individuals or celebrities. Using Simone Biles as the face of an athletic wear campaign would fall into this category.

Based on the options presented, it is likely that the company is using the D. testimonial approach to advertise their line of athletic wear by featuring Simone Biles as a prominent figure associated with their brand.

D. testimonial