Derrick wants to try a new workout, but he doesn't want to get injured. What is the BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury?

(1 point)
O Do the new activity on his own.
Start with high intensity and lower it gradually.
Save any stretching for after the workout.
• Learn the basics of proper form.

• Learn the basics of proper form.

The BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury is to learn the basics of proper form.

The BEST thing for Derrick to do to decrease his chance of injury is to learn the basics of proper form. By understanding the correct technique and form for the new workout, Derrick can ensure that he is performing the exercises in a safe and effective manner. This will help to prevent injury and also optimize the benefits of the workout. To learn the basics of proper form, Derrick can consider the following steps:

1. Research: Look for reliable sources of information such as reputable fitness websites, instructional videos, or books that cover the specific workout or exercise he wants to try. These resources often provide detailed guidance on the correct form.

2. Seek Professional Guidance: If possible, Derrick can consult with a certified fitness trainer or coach who specializes in the type of workout he wants to try. They can provide personalized guidance, correct any mistakes, and provide tips to optimize safety and effectiveness.

3. Start with Light Weight or Resistance: When beginning a new strength training workout, it's important to start with lighter weights or resistance and gradually increase the intensity over time. This allows the muscles, joints, and connective tissues to adapt and become stronger without being overwhelmed, reducing the risk of injury.

4. Practice Body Awareness: Derrick should pay attention to how his body feels during the new workout. If something feels uncomfortable, painful, or unnatural, he should stop and reassess his form. It's important to listen to his body and respect its limitations to avoid injury.

By taking the time to learn the basics of proper form and gradually progress in intensity, Derrick can greatly decrease his chances of getting injured while trying a new workout.